Sunday, April 3, 2011 have some gall to make me ill!

Good morning hooking friends.  I left for a Doctors appointment Tuesday morning and as the day progressed and tests were ran, I ended up with a not so free transport to a larger hospital for surgery the next day.  No waiting for me, out came the gall bladder, and I am very glad to see the last of that trouble maker.

I had planned on hooking on Shirley at Myrtle and now she and I'll will resume work at home in my favorite spot!

The lovely lady at my side in the blue is my half sister.  Directly below her and in the black and white school photo's are she and I.

Well as I await Spring weather to feel a bit warmer, I wish you well.  Safe travel to rug camps that you are heading to, whether teacher or student.  Enjoy!

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