Monday, October 24, 2011

Renewed & Inspired!

The ATHA hooked sign greeted visitors from all over the world to the Biennial.

It was a wonderful experience to see Yahookers, Phyllis, Diana, Gene, Heidi, Mr. T (who is a favorite blogger of mine!), but so sorry to have missed Ivi! (She was there for I saw a photo of her with Gene!),MizT, Barb and Fritz.....  I happily met Rugs and Pugs blogger Lauren as I found my way to her lunch table Saturday!  It was the largest biennial to date with over 600 in attendance ....

The class with Jule Marie Smith was fun and the lolly mat she had for us will not only be a joy to work on, it will be a learning experience to select the correct side by side colors that will make the mat pop! I'll hook the next colors before I decide to change or pull out and rehook a color.

Nancy Parcels dyeing class was just the best.

There was hands on experience which is always a plus.  To the right is Sue helping Nancy.  Notice the large plastic covering the counter tops!

The Saturday tour of the Landis Valley Farm was special.  Knowing a group of "rug makers" were heading their way, they displayed their antique hooked rugs and hooks.  We were shown the freezer that is 20 degrees below 0 to get rid of any unwanted visitors within the furniture and textiles.The silverfish require two visits in to the freezer as they survive the first visit!

With luck my hooks will look like this some day if used often enough.
The Landis Hotel and the stately sycamore that guards it.  We were invited in for cider and sticky buns...yummm. I would have enjoyed stepping back and staying one night.

.......But perhaps only visiting the stone tavern on the site....umm, the sheets were not often changed in that era!  BTW, one of my ancestors was indeed a tavern and ferry owner.

Meet Norma Jean, the table favor I won.  She was hooked by Lelia Ridgway of the Brandywine Rug Hooking Guild! I especially looked for a bent hook from Gene Shepherd to ease wrist discomfort while hooking. My roommate found wool to dye on sale and shared with me...thank you Sue!  ...and on arriving home I found a box of Pendleton wool a relative sent to me from Montana! 

Pip liked my new hook! to those I knew, to those I met, and to those reading this blog....may you have a wonderful week of renewal and inspiration!


Sassafras and Winterberry said...

I've been reading such wonderful posts about this great hooking event. I love that Norma Jean hooked prize! I have some antique hooks I scored in an obscure antique shop...they are so cool. Cider and sticky buns...yum! Glad you had a fab time!

leLoops said...

Thank you Courtney. I would have brought some sticky buns home but I knew they would never make it this far! Have a good week!

TheCrankyCrow said...

How fortunate you are to have had this opportunity...I would so love to do something like this some day. I've been following along on Lauren's adventures - and drooling. Welcome home - and have fun with your new-found inspiration. Wishing you a blessing-filled week....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Rugs and Pugs said...

Lee ~
It was WONDERFUL to meet you! I guess it was meant to be since you just happened to sit at the same lunch table.
Love Miss Norma Jean!
Please share what you started to hook in your class.
Pug hugs :)

Kim said...

Hi, I'm a new follower. Found you through Laurens last post.

leLoops said...

Hi Robin, Thank you and I hope you do attend a camp in the future!

Lauren, lolly mat now pictured!! :)

Kim, good morning and welcome!Thank you for visiting and introducing yourself!

Julia said...

Hi Lee, sorry I'm late reading your post. They have a way of slipping down the list as more new posts arrives and I get behind reading. Thanks for sharing these pictures.
I LOVE that Norma Jean table favor. Just too cute.

I'm so glad that you and Lauren met. I've been following the big event on as many blogs I can, even Gene Shepherd's blog is full of great pictures.

I see some of my blogger friends' pictures at the ATHA on blogs and makes me wish I would have been there to meet all of you in person. It's so nice having a face to go with the name. Take care., JB