Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Where Are Norma's Rugs????

Please be aware these rugs are missing.  Hand hooked works of art, and someone decided they wanted them.  They did not work on these rugs for hours, their heart felt labor is not in these rugs.  Perhaps the person/persons who took these are regretting it and if that is so, there should be some way for them to be returned.  I suppose it could happen....they could appear at the Church they were taken from perhaps.

I dream, I like to think well of everyone.  Please keep these rugs in your mind's eye and notify Norma Batastini if you see them.  ......................................

There was no rain in site the morning I started painting the deck.  It took me two days....ok, I'm a bit slower now than a few years ago :)  It rained 4 hours after I was finished...didn't ask me...just decided to rain.  The rain caused to no harm....now when my husband decided to wear his farm boots across it the next day, well he came to no harm either....it was just a fleeting thought ...really.

Today I sent in two applications, one is a new member application, the other is a supplemental (a member who has found another Revolutionary War Patriot).  Genealogy is addictive....helping a person find their ancestors is "cool beans".  The NSDAR is a service organization and information can be found on line.

 My night blooming cyrus had one bloom.  There have been as many as 12 on this old friend of mine.  Early evening it began to open.  Though the later photo isn't a good one, the bloom was full and our house had a wonderful fragrance.  I can see neighbors traveling by horse and buggy to see and celebrate the occasion.  By morning they are wilted....

 The sun was shining on this early this morning when this photo was taken.......Pip and I are changing colors on the rug that will hang above one of the doors. It should be done soon, welllll if I quit changing things.  The room it will be in is a bit dark, with little natural light. 

Pip and I wish you a lovely Summer........


Rugs and Pugs said...

Lee ~
Good to hear from you!
That flower is amazing.
Happy hooking!
Hugs to you and Pip :)

Unknown said...

I always find it hard to decide on colors. I really admire people who plan ahead. Enjoyed my visit...will stop by again.

leLoops said...

I struggle with colors Darlene, and appreciate instructors assistance. It just isn't automatic, so I use other photos to give me ideas, paint store books, etc. I'm glad you stopped by!