Friday, August 26, 2011

Let's ... Celebration XXI

Celebration of Hand Hooked Rugs is now published. If you have your copy, what do you think?
If you do not......go purchase one and take a look at the hand hooked art rugs .....  read the history behind the rugs....their story!
When you do get your copy be certain to vote for your favorites!  Though we cannot vote, one of my favorites is  in Honorable Mention :)

The judging must be difficult...there are many many handsome, exciting rugs being designed and hooked.

Look at the video one rug hooker made as she attended Sauder Village Hooked Rug Show!  I am certain others have posted their photos as well.  I wish I could have attended the show this year.  It seemed varied and full of excitement from the photos that I could see!

XVIII Adaptations
The photo to the left is a section of an older rug from an earlier Celebrations.  I posted it because I like to at least have one photo on my blog!  Plus I didn't have to ask for permission to post this one <g>.

Some has to pressure wash the back deck today....waiting for someone else to do my work hasn't been successful.

May Hurricane Irene decide to be gentle with those in her path.

May you find time to hook a bit today!

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